On Thanksgiving morning Kyson and Rob put up the Christmas lights so that we could turn them on that night!

Kyson loves helping Dad and stayed out there the entire time!

We sent the boys to go and get more potatoes and this is what Rob came back with. Of course my little Camree found it. I am in trouble she already LOVES Diet Coke!

Dad eating I mean carving the turkey. It was so nice usually we are in Arizona for Thanksgiving and some how we always end up with the turkey assignment. This year all we had to worry about was mashed potatoes and beans! Rob didn't miss carving the turkey!
Before dinner we all went around the table and said one thing we were thankful for. I am thankful for my FAMILY! Kyson was thankful for his family. Rob was thankful for his kids and the funny things they say. And Camree was thankful for baby Drae.
Little Drae and Kyson. She was so excited and Kyson thought it was soo funny.
The three cousins together! We are so glad that we have a cousin to share the holidays with, FINALLY! We love you Drae! We had such a good Thanksgiving and have so many things to be grateful for!
We missed having you, but enjoyed the surprise of having you at Christmas! Auburn got the turkey assignment and did great, but I think she and Dave wouldn't have minded you being in charge of it!
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