In April we headed off to Arizona for our annual Featherstone vacation. I wasn't sure how it would work out having my family vacation in Arizona where Rob's family is but luckily we were able to find time for both families. We got there on Saturday before my family so we went and had a picnic and Easter egg hunt at the church with the Ellingson crew. That night we meet up with my family at the hotel and the kids sat with Drae while she did her treatment. We also found out that Sarah was pregnant! Yea!!!
Sunday we meet Mimi for church, Papa just had shoulder surgery so he stayed home. That night we all went to Spencer and Kristi's for dinner. These cousins always have so much fun playing together!
By Monday we were ready to enjoy the warm weather and swim!!!!
Spencer, Kristi and the kids came swimming that day but I didn't grab a picture, dang it!
That night we went to the Diamondbacks game. The kids loved it! It was so funny our seats were pretty high up and Kyson was totally freaked out by how steep the seats were. I could barley get him to turn around for this picture. I also forgot to bring my camera but had the video camera so we took pictures with it. They turned out crappy but at least we got something.

On Monday the kids got fried so Tuesday we decided to stay away from the pool and had a day of shopping instead. That night my sis-in-law Kristi took family pictures for us. They turned out so good. I think this one is my favorite.

Love, love, love this one!!!

I also had her take Presley's four month Pictures at the same time. Such a little pretty!

Thanks Kristi they turned out awesome!
By Wednesday the kids couldn't wait to get back in the pool. We decided to hang out by the lazy river and water slide.
The kids LOVED the water slide!
On Thursday Rob had to work so I had the kids by myself. This is how I found my little angel after I had finished getting Kyson and Camree ready for the pool. I guess she can't be a perfect angel because her thumb is in her mouth!
It was so funny Kyson decided that he wanted to "lay out".
After lunch Caralee and the kids came out to swim with us.
It was actually a little chilly by the afternoon so they pretty much swam in the hot tub.
That night we let all the kids take one big bath together! They loved it!
Friday was our last full day so we all wanted to soak up as much pool time as we could.
After lunch Dave, Auburn and the kids came out to swim. While they were there Cannon kept saying I need to pee. So they kept telling him go pee in the pool. But he was confused because he is not supposed to pee in the pool at his house so he just kept holding it. Finally he couldn't hold it anymore so he got out of the pool and said I need to pee, he was told again, go pee in the pool. So that is exactly what he did he went over to the side of the pool, pulled down his swimsuit and peed off the stairs strait into the pool! It was so freaking funny! Auburn was mortified. The best part is that we were at the main pool and Cannon was at a spot where everyone at the entire pool could see him. Oh it made our day!
Saturday everyone was leaving at different times so we all just woke up and got stuff packed up ready to leave. My family left to the airport so we decided to go and say goodbye to Rob's family. We went to Grandmothers first.
I wanted to get a picture with all of my kids and Great Grandmother because she is 90 and we don't know how much longer we will get to see her. Sadly our trip had gone way to fast and it was time to go home. It actually worked out really well having both families in Arizona. Thanks Dad for another fabulous vacation! I love my family and I love spending time with them!
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