Breanne, Chris, Mom, Dad, and Rob and I all went on a triple date to the alpine slide and zip line up in Park City at the Olympic Park. It was nice weather so we drove up on the bikes. I never even knew that they had an alpine slide and zip line there. It was so much fun!

We went the girls on one side and the boys on the other and went who we thought would go fastest to slowest so that we wouldn't slow anyone down. Ha we should have had Mom in front of Breanne because she caught her! We always knew she was on the wild side!

We ended up upgrading so that we could go on the big zip line that was at least twice as long as the other one maybe even more!

The line for the zip line was about a 45 min wait so we took turns walking around up top while the others stood in line.

Some things never change my Mom was freaking out because I was standing on this. She thought I was going to fall off.

Yes this is my Mom and yes she is seriously wearing this! Breanne and I were laughing so hard when we saw that she kept it in her hair after we got off the bikes. Mom nice real nice!

Finally it was our turn to go! I smoked Rob! We had such a fun time it was the perfect date!