So I have been debating whether or not to cut Camree's hair. Let's face it I am a sucker for long hair, I have basically had long hair my entire life except for once! But her hair is still so thin and the longer it gets the stringier it looks so we decided to cut it off. Plus she does look super cute with her short hair. Camree was so excited for Aunt Bre to do her hair at her salon.

Presley came along to watch. She was so funny she wanted to sit in the chair all by herself.

All done and she still looks adorable what was I worried about. She has the rest of her life to have long hair!
She is such a CUTIE! And that hairstyle is perfect for her. So excited to see it in person soon.
Love it! She and Lily will be twinner cousins when she's here next week!
She is so cute with short hair :)
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