Thursday, November 20, 2008

Leaves Are Falling All Around

On Saturday it was pretty nice weather so we decided to pick up the leaves in our yard. The kids had tons of fun jumping in the piles of leaves and I had fun taking pictures of their cute little faces! Here they are helping us pick up the leaves one by one!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween was so much fun this year! We had dinner at our house so that everyone could come and see the kids and then that way we weren't running from house to house and could enjoy the evening. I made the kids pose in their costumes before it got dark and before we went trick or treating.

This year Kyson went trick or treating with his friend Caleb. They were so excited to go together!
It was so cute to watch the two of them run up to the door together. We had to keep yelling at them to slow down and wait for us.
Camree was satisfied riding in the wagon as long as she had that sucker! I had to watch her close because everytime I turned my head she would grab another candy out of her bag and start eating it!
The boys ran into their other friend Damon while they were trick or treating. Can you tell all these boys love to be together!
When we came home from trick or treating Breanne and Chris had just gotten to our house and Chris was dressed up as the Big Bad Wolf. He ran over to the boys and scared them, it was pretty funny. Kyson thought his costume was so cool and wanted to put it on all night. We had such a good Halloween and can't wait for next year!

The Night Before Halloween

Ok, so I know that I am way behind on my blogging. Rob has been out of town the last two weeks so I haven't had much "free" time. He is home for a while so my blogging should be back in full swing. The night before Halloween Rob and Kyson carved our pumpkins. Kyson loved it but he hated getting out the seeds, he thought that it felt sick!
Can you tell that they are excited? Halloween is tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ward Halloween Party

Last Tuesday was our ward Halloween Party. There was dinner, games and a dance to finish off the night with a DJ and all. Our ward goes all out and most of the adults dress up so it is really fun.
There are so many little boys in our ward that are Kyson's age. It is so fun for him to have so many little friends. All night long he was with his friends running around the halls. It was kind of a reality check when he was off playing with his friends and wasn't right by my side anymore. He is growing up way too fast!
Good thing we still have little Camree by our side, although she did want Dad all night long.
When Kyson saw that Rob was Dracula he decided that he wanted to be Dracula. We didn't have a Dracula costume so we painted his face and he became the "Dracula Spider", blood and all!

He had to drink blood because he was Dracula!
My very own real live Vampire! Too bad he had to make himself look scary. I don't know about you but when I think Vampire I think sexy! Couldn't be because of Edward!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Witches Night Out!

Ok, so I am a little bit behind on my blogging. Last week was crazy busy so I have some catching up to do. A week ago last Saturday I went to Witches Night Out! My extended family has been doing it for the past two years but we had never gone. We decided to go and it was so much fun getting all decked out. Suzie came over to my house and we got ready. We then went and picked up my mom and headed over to my aunt Wendy's. Our plan was to head down to Gardiner Village after dinner but we all decided that we just wanted to stay and hang out there. We ate, laughed, visited, laughed, took pictures, laughed, ate some more and laughed even harder! It was the perfect girls night out!

The whole Gang. Gaylynn, Val, Mom, Hillary, Grandma, Suzie, Me and Wendy. Gaylynn cracks me up she was a "Sandwitch". Don't my Mom-51 and Grandma-73 look great! I am hoping that I get their genes in the aging department!

Grandma Gay
Mom and Suzie by the fire. It was actually nice enough to hang out outside.

Everyone told us that we have to go down to Gardiner Village next year because they say it is just crazy. But since we were "first timers" we had a pretty good time just goofing around(if you couldn't tell!) Goodbye witches until next year!