Last Tuesday was our ward Halloween Party. There was dinner, games and a dance to finish off the night with a DJ and all. Our ward goes all out and most of the adults dress up so it is really fun.

There are so many little boys in our ward that are Kyson's age. It is so fun for him to have so many little friends. All night long he was with his friends running around the halls. It was kind of a reality check when he was off playing with his friends and wasn't right by my side anymore. He is growing up way too fast!

Good thing we still have little Camree by our side, although she did want Dad all night long.

When Kyson saw that Rob was Dracula he decided that he wanted to be Dracula. We didn't have a Dracula costume so we painted his face and he became the "Dracula Spider", blood and all!

He had to drink blood because he was Dracula!

My very own real live Vampire! Too bad he had to make himself look scary. I don't know about you but when I think Vampire I think sexy! Couldn't be because of Edward!
Great picture of your eyes while kissing that handsome vampire! His make-up is good - looks natural. Halloween is fun!
You guys look great! I love your costume Corinne!
Oh he is still sexy - even if he is scary . . . maybe I just think that because he looks way too much like MY husband!!
Ha ha ha....vampire!! Every time I saw a vampire on halloween I thought of Edward.
How fun! I love that you guys dressed up too! I think of sexy too! :) By the way I love the pictures below! You guys are some really sexy witches! :)
very cute, especially that last pic! Come one...he's better than Edward!
You guys look so cute!! You do make a sexy witch!:)
Love all the costumes! You and your husband are awesome for going all out. I'm sure you kids think they have the coolest parents ever. Your GIRLS night out "Witchy Style", looks like it was a lot of fun! Have a good weekend! GO COUGS!!
The kids costumes were so cute! Love it! Kyson looks like Rob so much lately!
I love the last picture of you too!
yes, everyone's views of vampires will change because of those books! cant wait for the movie! anyway! cute and fun pics of everything! their cosumes are so dang cute and warm. you guys look great too!
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