Just 6 days after we got home from Newport we headed off to Arizona. Rob had to go and work down there so we decided to tag a long. I have to be honest I was not excited to leave again because my morning sickness was really starting to set in. I got on medication right before we left but that made me a zombie so I was not any fun this trip. At least the kids had a blast with their cousins and when can you be in your swim suit at the beginning of May in Utah, NEVER! We had to take advantage so everyone came to Mimi's and did the slip n slide and rocket.

It is so much fun being able to fill the whole table up for lunch with cousins. They are so lucky to have each other.

Camree's birthday was just a couple of days before we left so we decided to have a birthday party down in Arizona with all of her cousins. She was so excited!

First Mimi played games with everyone and balloons.

Kyson concentrating on keeping his balloon in between his legs.

They also played pin the nose on Camree. Thanks Mimi for the fun game Camree and the other kids loved it. Such a fun idea!

All Camree really wanted to do at her party was swim! Aunt Auburn was nice enough to volunteer to have the party at their house. They have the perfect pool for kids!

Swimming with Mimi and Claire.

After that we had pizza on the lawn for lunch.

Then it was time for presents.

And last but not least it was time for cupcakes and birthday candles. Don't you love the shades.

Thanks to Auburn we had these cute cupcakes. I am telling you I really was not much help at this point in my pregnancy so everyone stepped up and helped pull off this cute party for CC. Thank you everyone for helping! You know who you are.

I had to put this picture in here. It was so funny while we were lighting her candles some of the wax fell on her foot and burned her. I think it scared her more than it hurt. I sound like a mean Mom but Camree can be so dramatic and I think it is hilarious that we caught this moment in a picture!

I love that sad little face!

It didn't take long for her to be all smiles again.

The kids had such a fun time together. Thanks everyone for putting the party together and pretty much pulling it off with not much help from me. Camree loved it and talked about it forever! Kyson is convinced that he needs a party in Arizona with his cousins now too.

The last day before we left Mimi took the kids for some special time with just her. They went to lunch and a movie. The kids loved it and it was a nice break for me. Even though I was either always sick or sleeping we had a great time in Arizona and I am so glad we went!
Looks like it was a lot of fun and what a nice time to go down there.
How we love it when you visit! Hope
Rob is up to another trip so you can come in October. So glad I was able to stay with you after his accident and help out. Thank goodness he is alive and healing!!!
Stop it! You are always fun. Even if you don't think you are! :o) So, come in December for your birthdays. Get away from the snow and we'll play pin the nose on Kyson! :o) We could play pin the nose on Corinne, Auburn, Dave and Kristi too. Ha ha ha.
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