Sunday, December 4, 2011


I can't believe my baby is one! She is growing up so fast. We have loved every minute of her first year of life! Right now she is; crawling everywhere including stairs, not interested in walking at all, has eyes that sparkle, loves her brother and sister, waves bye bye, has the cutest little giggle, knows how to say, Momma, Dada, baba, hot, uh-oh, and hi, has figured out how to play with her tongue and spit, likes to feed herself, drinks out of a sippie cup, and still has the cutest chubby thighs you have ever seen!
It was so cute Camree wanted to match her at the party. These girls are definitely Daddy's girls!

She would have been perfectly happy just eating the wrapping paper.
She loved everyone singing Happy Birthday to her.
At first she just kind of poked at the cake so I handed her one of the dots and that was all it took. She went to town after that. She would have eaten the whole thing.

I love this picture because she looks like this half of the time when she is done eating. She is so messy! Happy Birthday Presley! We love you so much!


Carma Lee said...

Love the posts. Keep 'em coming. Love the cutie pie even more - reminds us of her daddy as a little one, minus the dimples.

Auburn said...

Yay! So cute. What a doll. That last pic is adorable!

J.R. said...

She is such a cutie!