My cousin called me to see if we wanted to go to the safety expo. I had no idea what it was but it sounded fun and if it was lame at least the kids would have fun hanging out. They had free face painting but the kids just wanted it on their hands.
The policemen had all of their different type of motor vehicles that the kids could sit on. I was surprised that Kyson didn't want to sit on the motorcycle, he was all about the four wheeler.

Sparky the fire dog.

Princess Amerah was there. We had no idea who she was but Camree was so excited to see a princess! Since when does a prince have blue hair?

Kyson was so excited when he saw Scales and Tails there. That is who did his birthday party. That snake weighs like 95 pounds!
The kids ended up getting their faces painted after all.

The show was actually a lot of fun, I am pretty sure we will go again next year. Thanks Emilee and kids for the invite!
The face painting on C and K is amazing!
oh yea, lets go again!
Looks like fun! Sadly I don't think we will make it to Powell this year. Dave takes his boards at the end of June and starts his rounds at the hospital a few days later which means no time off for a long time. I am bummed :(
Love the face painting on the kids! Never seen any quite like them. 'Course the cute faces only enhance the paintings!
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