On June 7th Suzie and Daniel had Drae blessed. My Dad gave her the blessing. It was so sweet and tender. Suzie and Daniel have been such great parent's and are doing so well with everything that they have to deal with.
She wore Camree's blessing dress. I can't believe that it was two years ago that my baby was wearing that dress. Tonya brought over her dog Skyla. She was huge, this picture doesn't do her justice. Kyson wasn't afraid one bit, he got right down on the ground and right in her face for licks!
All of the Featherstone side of the family. Camree is missing because she was down for a nap. I am so mad I didn't get a picture of her with Drae in her dress. Oh well.
We are so glad that baby Drae is here and that she is part of our family.
She is so adorable. I love her blessing dress. We went to the Marriotts on Main st and they are so fun. I wanted to roast marshmallows on the open fire pits.
oh my heck, she is CUTE!!
She is gorgeous! Such a cutie! Looks like you took some very sweet pictures for your sister too! So fun!
Wow she's adorable!
She is a cutie!
I can't believe Camree fit in that dress just a little while ago. That's nuts. Drae is a darling baby, but I do love the "stinker" photo--so funny!
She is just the cutest thing ever! We love you baby Drae!
She is so adorable. I love her blessing dress. We went to the Marriotts on Main st and they are so fun. I wanted to roast marshmallows on the open fire pits.
You can still dress Drae up and get a picture with Camree. That is sweet that they shared the dress. Drae is a beauty! Good job on your photos.
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