It is that time of year again for loads of Christmas parties. My work party was the first. We went to PF Changs. Here I am with some of the girls I work with, Liz, McKenzi, Natalie and Brielle. We had such a good time. I am so glad that I get to work with such fun people. Who would have guessed that I would end up loving to work! I guess just working on Fridays makes it that much more enjoyable!

Thanks Dr B. and Melissa for the fun night!
People must enjoy coming to your office just to see the pretty girls! I must say though that you still outshine them all and put together with Rob, WOW! what lookers you two are!!!
ohh I love pf changs! So I was catching up on your blog and saw the cf fundraiser...I didnt know your neice had cf...when we had our ultra sound with Bree they told us that there was a chance she either had down syndrome or cystic fibrosis...neither of which they thought would end up being the case but anyway, I just think that little girl is so sweet. She is lucky to have such a great big family to support and love her! It makes such a HUGE difference to have family and friends to support our little ones who need extra help!
hey girl! we totally missed you! anyway, you should come over...or maybe i should go to your house to get me out of my own home. i am so sick of it here!! ahhh! then we could stay there and do dinner at your place with hubbies...what do you think? yes, i totally invited myself over, oops! ;)
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