It is that time of year again for Great Strides! Drae's Dream Team was huge again with over 100 people that came out to walk! Suzie and Daniel are so lucky to have such a huge support system. We made the kids their own t-shirts this year that said my cousin needs a cure. Still brings a lump to my throat when I say it. We love our Drae!

The kids brought their scooters and rode them for the walk this year. Kyson made it the whole way!

Debbie and Jade came all the way from Atlanta for the walk. We love you guys!

Drae's Dream Team raised over $12,ooo!!! Suzie and Daniel did such a good job with the fundraising and are model parents to anyone who has a child with Cystic Fibrosis. They go above and beyond with everything with Drae. She is so lucky to have them! Thanks to everyone who came and supported our family. With all of your help we will find a cure for "Sixty-Five Roses!" Live, Love, Breathe, Drae!
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