On Saturday morning we went to an Easter egg hunt in Neema's and Papa's circle. Their neighborhood has one every year and the kids love to go.

Here they are waiting for the whistle to blow so that they can start collecting eggs.

And their off! Last year Kyson didn't quite get it but this year he filled his basket to the top.

Camree had Daddy to help her.

All done! Looks like Camree already found the candy and has some in her mouth!

Checking out what candy they got in their eggs with Daddy and Papa.

After that Easter egg hunt we went to Neema's and Papa's. They had another hunt for them to find their Easter surprise.

They had clues and each clue led them to Easter eggs with another clue attached.

Yea they did it! Kyson, Camree and Drae all found their Easter surprise.

That night we went home and dyed Easter eggs. We got the tie dye eggs which actually worked out really good. Each egg came with a bag and then we would use a little dropper to put what colors we wanted on the egg. Everybody stayed nice and clean!
Camree and Kyson with GG and the stuffed animals she gave them. Easter was so much fun this year. I am starting to see that the holidays are getting better and better the older the kids get. Happy Easter everyone!
too fun! That picture of Camree by the brick wall is to die for cute! Kyson looks like a little stud too.
They look so cute. I love the one of Camree going around the corner and looking back at you. You're lucky your church is a stunning red brick. It's perfect for pics. I love Easter. We were sick the night before and missed church (so sad). So I still have to get the girls dressed up for their pictures. It's never convenient on Sundays, so I think I'll get them all dolled up and just go do pictures somewhere fun. I love Camree's sweater and her shoes. And her bows, and her dress, and ... LOVE IT! That's why I'm happy to have two girls. So fun!
Those tiedyed eggs look awesome. We will have to try them next year. What a cute family Easter picture. Sisi does look mishcevious.
The kids look adorable in their Easter outfits! I love Kyson's GREEN and Camree is so girled out; I love it!
I like Kyson's green too, but you're right, girlie girl is such fun! What a fun time having a neighborhood hunt. All the rest sounds fun too. Your kiddos really Easter egged a lot!
Cute pics! The new camera seems like a great one! I agree I think the holidays are definitely getting more fun as the kids can do more.
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