Camree's new thing is to walk with her hands in her "pocks" or in other words pockets. So about a month ago over conference weekend we decided to go for a walk in between sessions. Camree of course had her hands in her pockets. I turned just in time to see her trip and face plant it right into the street! I ran and grabbed her and was actually surprised that her face didn't look worse. Blood was running down her lip and out of her mouth but luckily her teeth were ok. She was just left with this nasty looking lip for about a week. It is a good thing kids heal so fast!

Kyson was with us on the walk and after the whole thing was over and she was cleaned up he came running over to me crying. I asked him what was wrong and he said,"That was really scary. I don't like to see Camree get hurt it makes me sad." He is such a sweet, tender boy! It makes me happy to know that he loves his sister! That is what a big brother is all about, watching out for little sis!
Poor CC! What a cute pic of Kyson though. I love how his eyes look in it!
Yikes! I can't believe how fast they heal sometimes. It's crazy! It's a good thing too, with all the tumbling and falling these little ones do! We're excited to come up this summer!
Kiss that sweet little mouth and tell Camree Mimi is glad she's all better now. Kiss Kyson too and tell him how happy it makes us that he is so loving.
So precious! I hope Owen will be a sweet big brother like Kyson!
So I am walking through my office and I put my hands in my back pockets and I think "I have my hands in my pocks" Thanks Camree for teaching me a new word. Sorry she got hurt, that's not fun
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