In the midst of all of the holidays this little precious turned 3 weeks! We are so in LOVE with her!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
MeRrY cHrIsTmAs!
I thought that the kids were going to wake up bright and early on Christmas morning but they must have been worn out from Christmas Eve because they didn't wake up until 8:30! They had to wait on the stairs while Dad got the video camera ready in the family room.
Little Presley woke up at the same time.
Santa found us! It's time to open up some presents!
All Kyson wanted from Santa this year was a DS.
Camree wanted a big girl doll not a baby one!
The aftermath of Christmas!
Kyson thought it would be funny to take pictures of each other at the same time.
Presley is the same size as her sock monkey!
After we were finished with Santa it was time to go over to Neema's and Papa's for eggs ala golden rod and more presents.
Christmas wouldn't be complete without some Harley attire.
Presley all snuggled on Papa.
Last but not least we headed over to Gg's and Great Pa's for more food and presents!
Gg and Great Pa scored with this present. It is like a pillow pet on steroids. It is not only just a pillow but has a sleeping bag inside as well! The kids loved them!
The two little munchkins in their Christmas shirts that Bre and I made. I made them for Kyson and Camree too.
I love this picture because you can see how much these two adore their little sister.
Neema and Papa.
All of the grand kids except Drae with Gg and Great Pa! Our Christmas was perfect filled with lots of food, family and presents! Merry Christmas everyone!
Posted by Corinne at 11:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve
We went to Neema's and Papa's for our big Christmas Eve party! All the little girls had matching skirts and looked so cute!

My three little munchkins. They were so exited for Santa to come.

My pictures didn't turn out at all but I figured bad pictures are better than no pictures.
GG snuggled with little Presley.

We all went downstairs and watched a movie while Drae did her treatment.

Everyone in their Christmas Pj's ready for Santa to come!
Posted by Corinne at 3:10 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Newborn Pics
Presley Rae Ellingson
It was so hard to get pictures without her binki or fingers in her mouth. She is such a sucker that as soon as we took her binki out she would wiggle all over the place and try to get her fingers in her mouth.
Here she is sucking without anything in her mouth. Makes her lips look cute though.
Anytime we would change outfits or positions we would have to bundle her up like this, let her fall asleep and then take pictures. She just moved around way too much when she was awake!
My Grandpa Featherstone has such big hands and I have always wanted to take pictures with my little newborns in them. Well I finally did it and LOVE them! What a sweet picture for Presley to have in her Great Grandpa's hands.
Ohhhh....newborns are so precious! We love you little Presley!
Posted by Corinne at 4:39 PM 7 comments
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