My Dad LOVES Harley's so when he saw that Santa was going to be taking pictures on a Harley he had to have the grand kids go. Rob thought it was pretty cool too so he met my parents at the Harley store for pictures. Babe look at the camera!
I think Papa needs to be in this picture. The kids loved it and knew he was the real Santa and not a helper because he had a REAL beard!
Friend Party
Later that day Kyson had his friend birthday party. This year was his smaller party so he got to take 5 friends to a movie. I talked Rob into taking them by himself so I could stay home with the babe. He also decided that he wanted to have ice cream sundaes instead of cake. Awesome! I was all about EASY this year!
Ksyon with his birthday sundae. Don't you love that he had to invite his little girlfriends and that he is sitting in the middle of them. Ya and they are sisters! Good thing they are young and don't know any better!
I went to the store bought fudge, ice cream, and 5 different toppings. The kids couldn't have been happier. Sooooo easy!

It was so funny they were all so into Kyson opening his presents. It has been so much fun as a Mom to watch him grow up. He is getting too big too fast! All in all his party was a success the kids loved it and it was so easy! Love you Kyky!
Love catchin up on your life! Your new babe is so CUTE & I love her name. Congrats on your darling family! Glad to have you back in action in the blogging world!
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