On Friday night Camree had her Christmas dance recital. When I first saw these costumes I thought they were a little bright. But they ended up looking pretty cute on stage.
She is in a ballet/tap combo class and this recital they did their tap dance. Camree was so excited.
Little miss pretty! She was so excited to wear a little bit of Mom's make-up.
Camree, Ellie, Janie, Lexie, and Lucy. All of these little girls live in our neighborhood and it has been so much fun to have them dance together.
This picture cracks me up because this is how it was the whole time we were trying to take a group picture!
Once the girls were on stage and saw the crowd, the music came on and they didn't move an inch! Camree was about in tears when everyone started clapping and cheering and then she didn't think it was so bad.
Their teacher came out on stage and danced with them and then they all followed along.
The finale.

Camree was so excited that everyone came to see her dance. Now if we can just get over her stage fright. Good job my little dancer!
They were so cute, even if they had a little stage fright, it was fun to see how excited she and her friends were about the costumes and make-up.
That evening was one of the cutest and funniest things I've seen. Camree is sooooo adorable!!!
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