So I am so far behind on my blogging thanks to this little nugget! That is right as most of you already know baby number three is on the way! It is a girl and she is due to arrive in December but will probably come late November. We are so excited for this new little baby to join our family. I am even more excited to finally be feeling better and will actually be able to get something done! I don't know what it is but this third pregnancy has been the hardest by far. Once she is here it will all be worth it and I will forget how bad it really was! We love you baby girl and can't wait until you are here!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Posted by Corinne at 9:26 PM 6 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Over Easter weekend some friends of ours invited us up to their cabin. The kids were so excited and couldn't wait to have a sleepover. We put them all downstairs and crossed our fingers that they would all fall asleep. At 11:00 p.m. we finally separated them so that they would go to bed!
You can see TROUBLE written all over their faces! What were we thinking??? Like they would actually fall asleep!
On Saturday morning we did an Easter egg hunt inside because of the MOUNDS of snow outside! Do you like their Easter baskets?

Coming down from the loft. Such a little pretty!
The kids had so much fun finding their eggs and the big kids were really good to let Janie and Camree get all the "easy" eggs.

Then it was time to go and play in the snow! If the weather won't cooperate then we may as well enjoy it!

Camree was more interested in eating the snow than sledding. That would be way too scary.

Kyson and Ellie had soo much fun playing together.

Camree still wouldn't get near a sled.

Wouldn't these two have the cutest babies ever! I know they are way too young to be thinking about that but they would. Kyson has had the biggest crush on her forever. He is always telling me that he is going to marry her. Although while we were at the cabin he informed us and everyone else that he is going to marry Olivia (Ellie's little sister) instead. That morning Ellie came into her parents room was all upset and said," Mom, Kyson said he isn't going to marry me anymore and that he is going to marry Livey!) Oh too funny! What a little player!

Finally CC braved the sled with Dad.

After sledding we decided to pull a sled behind Ty and Lindsey's Land Rover. We loaded the kids in the back so that they could watch. There is Kyson next to his new wife. I can see where he is coming from, they are both pretty stinking cute!
We made Rob try it out first to make sure we wouldn't die!

Then the kids wanted a turn. Kyson was nervous at first but had a ton of fun.

The only problem with snow in the spring is that it melts fast. Luckily there was only one muddy spot.

Lindsey and I decided to brave the sled. I am just impressed that we could fit both of our butts on there!
We definitely rocked it. There were times that we thought we were going to die but we were laughing too hard to worry about it. Yes, we did biff it, but we biffed it in style!
Then the kids got really brave and wanted to go together! How cute is that.

After sledding behind the car we were ready to come inside and warm up. We ate lunch and then dyed Easter eggs. Caleb, Kyson's partner in crime, he also says that he is going to marry Livey and Ellie. Sadly it was time to go home so that they boys could make it to priesthood. We had such a blast. Thanks Shad and Corie for the invite.
Posted by Corinne at 8:11 PM 7 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
Easter Sunday
Since Easter was on conference Sunday I had the kids wear their Easter outfits the Sunday before Easter. I could have gotten away without buying any this year but what fun would that be? Camree was real happy about taking pictures before church. This was the best I got.
Such a beautiful back ground, the sun was too bright for her eyes so we had to turn. Oh well at least I caught her smiling.
Posted by Corinne at 3:52 PM 4 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Spring Soccer
Spring soccer is here again and I have to admit this year is going to be A LOT more fun last year. Let's just say that last year they didn't win one game, they only scored like 7 goals all season, they would rather be chasing butterflies than playing soccer, and they told us it was not nice to not take turns when we told them it was always their turn to kick the ball! This year compared to last year is like night and day. It is like it all clicked in their little brains. They are super aggressive and will actually dribble the ball down the field, if they fall down they get back up and keep running like nothing has happened, they fight to stay in the game, and they WON their first game 8-1! They scored more goals in their first game than they did all season last year! I guess that is what happens when you go from 4 to 5.
Of coarse they have their little cheerleaders again! Don't you worry little "cheer leading" outfits will be coming shortly.
Kyson is #6.
I don't think that there is anything cuter than my 5 year old in his soccer uniform.
Eating half-time treats with his team. Was a fav last year and is still a fav this year.
Celebrating with some of his team after they scored a goal. This picture kills me he is getting so big! He must of just had a growth spurt because he was one of the biggest kids out there. He is such a big kid!
That's the way we like it, knock down your opponent and steal the ball from him, GO KYSON! Ha, we are not that competitive, maybe? Keep up the good work Kyson we are so proud of you!
Posted by Corinne at 4:18 PM 3 comments
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