On Thursday night we decided to do number two on the list which was to hike to Cecret Lake. It was about a two mile hike, one mile up and one mile back. Kyson hiked the whole way and did great! It took a little longer than we thought it would but we made it back just as it was getting dark! Luckily Rob was prepared and brought flashlights and Kyson thought it was great to shine the flashlight and show us the way!

We found this tree on the way up and it was the perfect spot to take a picture.

I was surprised to see how many wild flowers were still in bloom.

Half way up I decided to carry Camree to give my legs a little more of a work out! Too bad she is such a tiny little thing.
That looks like fun! I need to get one of those baby backpacks one of these days so we can do the same. It looks beautiful up there!
Hey Corrine-
It's Debby, I found your blog today and I was so happy to see you guys. I have never seen Camree before, so I loved all the pics of her. She is so cute and I swear she looks like you and all your sisters. You guys sure make cute babies.
you are so cute
Love the pics!! It was so great to see you guys last week. We had so much fun! I loved getting to know Kyson better too. he's such a fun little guy. I'm excited to see him again a Thanksgiving (and cute Camree too . . . hopefully she'll give us the time of day by then). Anyway - fun times in UTAH - we want to make it a tradition to come up and bring the kiddos!!
Did you know that if you didn't blog, I wouldn't have a freaking clue how outdoorsy you are! Weird. I guess this blog thing will help me get to know my estranged Utah sister-in-law better! :o)
you guys are so cute! you look so good! ok, we will get together! i swear, i need a weekend where there is nothing going! looks like it is the same for you!
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