Last Saturday was Rob's work Lagoon Day! We decided to take
Kyson this year by himself and let him have a special day with just Mom and Dad. Breanne and Chris watched
Camree for us which was great because she loves them! It was so funny before we left
Kyson said,"Mom I can't wait to ride the Holy Ghost!" We figured out that he was meaning to say roller coaster. When I was saying it he thought I was saying roller "
ghoster" and some how he got it all confused. So cute! The first ride he wanted to go on was "The big
wheel." So the Sky
Scraper Ferris Wheel was our first stop.

Our next stop was the Lady Bug Drop! As you can tell by this picture he was a little nervous but as soon as it was over he was ready to go again.

The Oddessey was a new ride this year. It basically goes around in circles and get's you wet! Rob get's sick really easy on rides so that meant that Mommy got to go on this one.

Kyson thought that it was so cool that he got to drive in the car all by himself. Right before he got in the car he said,"Go over there and I will drive and meet you!" as he was pointing to the exit.

We had such a good time and had to bribe him with a treat to get him to leave at 10:30 p.m. We can't wait for next year and hope that he has grown a few inches! He is such a dare devil and is still 6 inches too short to go on any of the big "Holy Ghost's!" (I guess he is still only three.) Hopefully in 2 years he will be able to go on whatever he wants!
What a fun day. He is such a cute little guy. We're so excited to see him next week. I can't wait!!
I am glad to know you have a blog! what a fun day. I love lagoon! He seriously gets cuter by the day!!!
I know I don't post any pictures of me on my blog...but I'm not looking cute and skinny like you!! Looks like you had fun at lagoon. We haven't taken Savannah there yet, but I bet she would love it!
How cute is Kyson wanting to ride the Holy Ghost! Such a cutie! Looks like a good time. We need to hang out me.
So much fun! Jack and Gracie are looking at the pictures with me and they heard me talking to you on the phone about Lagoon, so they are already excited about next summer. I love Kysons shades!
What a fun day :) And it is so fun to read about Kyson's interpretations of what he hears you guys say.
love that place, how dang fun!
seriously, you would die if you knew how often i make it down by your house, i really am a jerk for never calling you! good to know you still love me though... ;D
Holy cow! That little Kyson is a little HOTTIE PANTS! I love Lagoon, but haven't been in ages! I actually went with my family the DAY AFTER I got home from my mission! Talk about culture shock! I was all talking to everyone in line like I was supposed to contacting them or something! Fun times! We'll have to go next time we come up!
Cute! I love how he calls it the Holy ghost! He is so cute! I take it he wouldn't take off his stylin shades. :) It was so fun Baby sitting Camree. Let us know when you want us to watch both. :)
Well HELLO?!?! When were you going to tell me you had a blog?? It's about time! I'm so excited to keep up with ya'll and see how big the kids are getting! Kaiden starts pre-k in just 2 weeks!
We miss ya'll and loved hanging out this summer!
Fun! I haven't been since we took our kids while camping at Cherry Hill and that was 20 years ago!
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