On Wednesday Rob turned 33! He has never liked celebrating his birthday. His mom said he didn't even like it as a little kid! So we stuck to his wishes and didn't do much for his birthday. Kyson made dad a birthday card and gave it to him when he got home along with some birthday balloons. We then went out to eat with the fam at La Frontera. Rob wanted cheap Mexican for dinner. Everyone came back to our house and we had pumpkin pie!

Kyson helped mom make the pumpkin pie. Rob doesn't like cake but he likes pie and pumpkin pie is his favorite!

Kyson was insistent that we had to decorate the pie for dad's birthday. So we got candy corn, another one of his favorites, and wrote his name.

I am so grateful that 15 years ago at EFY he wooed me with those dimples. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and daddy to my children. I love him more and more each day! I still get smitten with his dimples even at age 33! Happy Birthday Babe!
My husband doesn't love attention on his birthday either! Love the Pumpkin Pie Cake the candy corns. Looks like your kids had an exciting day at the Fire station with their Dad; those will be such good memories. You and all of your sisters look so much a like. What a CUTE family!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROB!! I'm the Lame-O sister-in-law that didn't call! I still love you, and I'm glad you could have a nice b-day!
Oh, the kids are adorable! I'm getting just as anxious to see you guys!
Happy Birthday old man! Hope you had a great B-day!
Friend, call me! I miss you!
Seriously those Ellingson dimples are TO DIE FOR, and Rob just might take the cake with the double whammy . . . one on both sides!! Happy birthday Rob. We love you!
Rob charmed me with those dimples when he was born and he just gets more charming! He's still a looker, but better than that he's truly a great guy! You are lucky to have him, as he's lucky to have you!! I like the candy corn addition to the pie; I usually made his name or initial with pie crust.
Happy birthday Bro! It was fun to go out to dinner on his birthday. I wish we could of stayed for pie. Looks cute. I love the pics of Kyson's field trip too. SO CUTE!
I can see how you couldn't resist those dimples! Maybe my kids will get some super recessively...
That pie is so cute, too. Happy birthday Rob!
thanks for inviting us! hehe! the pic looks great, that is my favorite too! you guys are so cute! love all the pictures!
want to get together maybe saturday? like is 4 days??? or, if you want to wait, we could get together next week sometime, my mom and amber are coming up...
Rob definitely has awesome dimples! I'm sorry I didn't call or text or anything. Let Rob know that it was super fun to be in labor on his birthday! :o) Happy late birthday! We love you!
P.S. Your kids are too freakin' cute!
I love you Rob! Happy happy birthday brother dear. Of course I already said that to over the phone. The birthday pie is a very cute and I'm sure just what he wanted. Love you guys!
I love you Rob! Happy happy birthday brother dear. Of course I already said that to over the phone. The birthday pie is a very cute and I'm sure just what he wanted. Love you guys!
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