On Tuesday it was Kyson's first day of preschool! I can't believe how fast his first years of life have flown by. It seems like just yesterday that they placed him in my arms for the first time and now he is starting school. When I signed him up back in February I was so excited to have that time during the day without him home. I found myself at orientation wondering if I was really ready to send him off to school. I even had thoughts to keep him home one more year with me. I knew he was ready and that I just had to face the fact that he is old enough to go to school. So with a heavy heart I tried to prepare myself for the first day. That morning he was so excited. As soon as he was dressed he had to have his backpack on, even to eat breakfast. He decided that he wanted to walk to preschool. I decided to send him to a preschool that a lady in our neighborhood does out of her basement with a couple of neighbor friends. The entire walk there Kyson kept telling me that he hated preschool. I was a little nervous of what might happen when I dropped him off. As soon as we got there he saw his friends and he was ready to go. We had them all pose on the porch and yell preschool! You can see the excitement in their faces. Kyson went to run in without even saying goodbye. Of course I made him run back and give me a hug and a kiss! He replied,"Oh, sorry mom I forgot." As I walked away I have to admit that my eyes got a little watery but I didn't cry! Kyson came running all smiles when I picked him up and I could tell just by his face that he loved it! I realized that 2 1/2 hours goes really fast and that I will probably survive him going to preschool after all!

What a little stud! It's hard for me to believe he is so big already, too. I'm glad he liked school despite his apprehension!
yeah! What a little cutie. I'm sure I'll feel the same way when Lily goes to preschool. You are so adorable. I wish we could see each other more often. I'm really glad you are blogging though, cause I love seeing your kids!
oh so sweet. it's so hard to believe how big these kids are. gracie started today, sigh...she was so excited, but it was hard for me.
oh, such a cute kid! he is darling! yea, i think i can handle preschool, it is all day i worry about! ah!
Love the last picture - fingers in mouth and dimple showing. What a cutie my grandboy is! (It is hard to see them grow up so fast. Someday soon you'll turn around and he'll be sending his own little boy to preschool!)
Soon, you'll wish preschool was three and a half hours! I know how you feel. It's fun to have them home, but it's also fun to have them go! ;)
I wonder why he was trying to "hate" preschool so much. :o) He is so stinkin' dang cute I can't stand it. And what a photographer his mommy is, too! Great pictures!
So cute. I love that they are in school together.
Kyson is the cutest! I cannot believe he is already in preschool. Time flies!
He is such a stud! I can't believe he started preschool!!
What a cute boy! And how crazy how fast he is growing up!
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