About a month ago Mimi and Papa came in town to visit! The kids were so excited. Every time they come we are always counting down the sleeps until they get here! On Saturday Mimi, Papa and uncle Jr got to come and watch Kyson play soccer. It was a COLD one but we all bundled up and tried to stay warm.

Mimi definitely missed the good warm Arizona weather. Good thing Camree wouldn't leave her lap and kept her warm

After the soccer game we were supposed to go to the tulip festival but we decided it was too cold and went to Cabela's instead. The kids loved looking at all of the animals.

Kyson loved this big polar bear. Camree on the other hand wasn't so sure. She wouldn't even take her eyes off him for a picture, he might come and snatch her! Such a girl!

That night it was bath time. My kids love to take baths. Their new favorite thing is to make funny hair do's with the shampoo in their hair. They each take a turn styling each others hair.

On Sunday Camree got to open birthday presents from Mimi and Papa because they wouldn't be here for her birthday.

After, they played with one of her new presents, the matching princess game. They are also sucking on a treat. If you get a present from Mimi you will probably get a treat. She is the treat queen!

Monday warmed up enough to go and see the tulip festival. We were sad though because uncle Jr and Dad had to go to work and couldn't come with us. We still had a good time and the tulips were beautiful! Tulips are one of my favorite flowers.
The kids had so much fun with Mimi and Papa in town and didn't want them to leave. They are so lucky to have such good grandparents! Thanks Mimi and Papa for the visit. We love you!