I love the 4th of July! There is nothing better than family, food, friends, fireworks and fun! This year we had a BBQ and fireworks at our house. My kids love fireworks especially Kyson so we stayed at home so that we could light and have our own firework show.

Like Father......

Like Son...... They are both pyro's. Kyson loves fire and anything that has to do with fire. When Rob was about Kyson's age he actually started a field on fire. The fire department came and had to put it out and then he had to sit down with one of the fireman and talk about fire and how it can be dangerous. Oh, I hope that doesn't happen with Kyson but he definitely got his love of fire from his Dad! I think Rob has just as much fun as Kyson does doing our own fireworks!

Sparklers with Uncle Chris. All the boys in this family seem to love fire.

Camree liked it as long as Daddy was there to help.

Alright I kind of like fire too. It brings out the kid in all of us.

Caleb, Camree, Janie, and Kyson all lined up watching the fireworks.

Grandma and Grandpa Featherstone. They are such good sports and come and hang out with us all of the time. Grandma even put a glow stick around her head.

Grandma Leah came too. I feel so lucky that my kids are so close to their Great Grandparents.

Camree with Papa and Harley.

We had such a good time and our so thankful for our freedom and those who fought for it. We love America! Happy 4th of July!
What fun! I remember so well when Rob started that fire. Scared me to death! He found some matches in the field and couldn't resist trying them out. It was actually an empty lot just two doors down from us and the fire zipped across that dry grass right up to the neighbor's fence where he had a wooden shade!
I kept looking at these pictures of Rob and couldn't help thinking - Dang! That guy is sooooo cute!! (Got it from his daddy!) Rob passed along the cute genes to his son too!
What a fun 4th! My boys are little FIRE-lovers too! Fun family PARTY!
Looks like Girls camp was fun too! It's fun to be a YW again and be young & crazy.
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