A couple of weeks ago we came to this natural water slide in alpine for a combine Ym/Yw activity. The Ym had been before but we hadn't and had no idea what we were getting into. It actually looks twice as big in person!

After sitting and looking at it for a couple of minutes some of the girls hiked up and braved the ride down. Mckel was one of the first of the Yw to go down. I think watching people made me more scared to go down. It looked liked such a rough ride!

The Yw finally talked Kristen and I into going down. We both admit that we are becoming chickens in our old age! Luckily once we were up top the ride looked a lot smoother and not as scary. But now I had to worry about the cold water!

Natalie, Michelle and Shantel at the bottom waiting for us chickens to come down.

Finally after about five minutes I made it down! It was actually a lot of fun and the water wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be!

Lora, Whitney, Michelle, Natalie, a friend (I can't remember her name) and Natalie.

Kristen and I were so proud that we were brave and made it down. It was funny the Ym bet that only half of the Yw would go down. Out of 14 of us 13 went down. Ha Ha Ym take that. We had a ton of fun and I am pretty sure the Yw want to do it again next year. And yes I will venture down it again!
I have been checking your blogs for weeks to see if you would put sarah wedding on there. I am so glad you did since I am still so sad that I missed it! All of your pictures were so good and everything looks so pretty, expecially sarah. I love her dress. And Camree and Drae look so cute in those dresses. thanks for that post.
p.s. My sister and Kristen Bodell are good friends.
That looks like so much fun!
Wish I was young enough to do that - looks sooooo fun!
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