A couple of weekends ago we went to Lagoon with Rob's work. We decided to take Camree this year too but that was a mistake. She must be a girl and is a major CHICKEN! The first ride we headed to was Tidal Wave. Kyson loved this ride last year and couldn't wait to get on it again. After he said, "Mom that ride gives me the shivers!" Cute to hear him describe the butterflies in your stomach feeling.

Next Kyson wanted to drive Camree on the cars. She was ok with this ride.

But that was as long as it lasted. Call us mean parents but we still made her stay on the rides even if she was crying. Kyson thought it was funny that she would get scared.

Both the kids got a little nervous at the top of the Sky Scraper. I should say Kyson got a little nervous and Camree got A LOT nervous.

Do you like that fake smile.

This umbrella ride followed by the Scrambler did me in. I felt like I was in the first trimester of pregnancy and that I might blow at any minute! It was worth it though because while we were riding this ride I said, "Oh mylanta," and I was going to say I am going to throw up but I was interrupted by Kyson saying,"Oh mylanta this is the best ride in the whole wide world!" It was all worth it for that little moment. I love being a Mom!

After that ride it was Dad's turn to go on rides.

While Dad and Kyson were in line for the Bat I thought that I would let Camree go and play on this little mock up of the Odyssey ride. She really liked it! She was afraid it was a real ride. I had to put this picture on because it is a perfect picture of how she was the whole time. I think we took her a little too early.

The Bat was the first roller coaster that Kyson could ride on. He loved it! I can't wait until next year because he should be tall enough to ride on most of the rides. That means I will have a buddy to go on the big rides with. Rob gets sick pretty easy so Kyson has to be my ride buddy.

Look at Camree's death grip on Rob's shirt. She was seriously afraid of everything even the train!

We had such a fun time minus Camree crying. I think we will leave her home next year. She is just too big of a chicken. Let's hit the big rides next year Kyson!
Oh! Fun! Fun! I have such happy memories of Lagoon when I was little and then when we took our kids. But, I'm somewhat of a Camree - I had the man stop "The Hammer" I was so frightened but claimed it was 6 year old J.R. that was panicking! :)
How fun! You are so good at taking alot of pictures wherever you go...I need to start doing that! Your kids are darling as usual! I would have lost it on my first ride...I don't do too well at Lagoon!
Yeah, leave Camree home for those things. Claire is getting braver though. Someday. I love all the pictures. And the zoo looks like fun too! I can't wait for it to cool off. Now that I have Spencer home during the day, I think we'll go there a lot!
It is fun to see the kids having fun (well at least Kyson) and kinda cute to see Camree's little scared face too.
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