YEA! Camree is potty trained. I thought that she was going to be really hard but she has actually been really easy. I have been asking her for the past couple of months if she wants to go potty on the toilet and she always said NO! So about three weeks ago when Rob left out of town I said, "Do you want to learn to go potty on the toilet while Daddy is gone and then you can surprise him when he gets home with big girl panties on?" She smiled and said, "YES." So we took off the diaper and on went the big girl panties. The first day was a little rough she had 4 accidents but after that she only had 1 or 2 a day for the next couple of days. Now we have been accident free for one week and she tells me when she needs to go and I don't have to ask her anymore!

I don't know which is better seeing this bum in panties or not changing poopy diapers anymore. I think it is seeing this cute little bum in big girl panties!

Camree loves wearing big girl panties and has to pick out which one she wants to wear every day. I am so glad that I got through those two weeks of accidents to enjoy my potty trained girl!
Yeah! way to go Camree girl! You are awesome! What a big girl.
Wow, way to go! She is a big girl! How old is she now, anyway? Time goes by so fast!
Good for Camree! (And lucky for you it was so easy!)
Congratulations! This is a BIG deal. I can't believe you don't have anyone in diapers...you know what that means :-)
I have been changing diapers for 6 years straight with no break. Yup, I'm jealous. Cute little bum too.
This is good encouragement for me. I've been hesitant to do it (or scared) and was waiting til the days get cold and we're not on the go so much, but going from two kids in diapies to one would be better than i think. LOVE the pic of the kids in the car at Lagoon, SO CUTE
YEAH CAMREE!!!! Oh it's so nice to have none in diapers. i'm back to square 1 again
You are a NEW woman now! Congrats for getting her trained so young. Now instead of spending a fortune on diapers, you can get her a lot of cute "GIRLY" undies. My little Annie loves looking at all the different underwear when we go to the store. SO EXCITING!!
Yeah Camree!
Yay for Camree! She look adorable in her panties! :)
Oh that is so exciting! I wish Carlee had the desire. I just hope I don't end up with 3 in diapers at once.
way to go! elisha's potty traning will be put on hold for now...more on that later...love that top picture!
Yay for Camree! Claire is practically pee-trained but still terrified for some reason to poop on the potty. So annoying. I'll take a poopy diaper over poopy underwear ANYDAY! YUCK! Camree is too cute! I love the cheese smile there at the end.
Yeah! She is so dang cute!! What a milestone!
Her smile and jaunty little stance say it all! Good for you Camree.
I feel like I have been a part of the process from playgroup to tball games. I am going to miss the ghetto with the diaper.:)
me 2
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