On August 17th Kyson started his second year of preschool. School came way too fast this year! I definitely wasn't ready for school to start and for the schedule that comes along with it. We were in the habit of staying up late and waking up whenever we wanted. 8:30 came early that morning but Kyson was excited to start his new preschool. Do you like his man bag? This year he can't have a backpack and has to have a bag with handles. So due to my lack of wanting school to start and procrastination he didn't have a new bag yet and had to take Mom's instead. Luckily he didn't care.

Kyson's teacher this year is Miss Debbie and he seems to love her already. Katie and Caleb are in his class so that makes it fun too.

And he is off! I can't believe that he is starting his second year of preschool. Time is flying by and he is growing up so fast. Before I know it he will be starting kindergarten!

After I picked him up we went to the craft store so that he could make his very own school bag and ditch his man bag. I let him pick out everything to put on it and then it was all up to him to make it look just like he wanted. He was so proud when he was done and couldn't wait to show everyone. I could have just bought one at school for $10 rather than spend $30 but it was well worth it to see how excited and proud he was.

Look at his concentration, he was totally into it. I wouldn't let him wear a shirt because I knew it would end up with paint on it. Here's to another school year let's just hope that time will slow down!
What a fun idea, to let him do his own bag like hat! Looks like he did a great job!
Way to let him express himself Mama. That's sometimes harder than it looks.
Way to let him express himself is right! You're a good mom! He was proud of it when he showed it to me and that feeling of importance and confidence is great!
I can't believe a year has gone by and they will be in K next year. The man bag is totally hot...although I think his new bag is super cute and creative.
The concentration on his face is cute and what a fun idea to let him express his creativity.
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