Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

On August 31st Kyson had his first t-ball game. I am telling you there is nothing cuter than 4 year old boys running around trying to play baseball.
Batter up! The coach would pitch to them and if they couldn't hit the ball they would hit it off the tee. Kyson was a 50-50 shot. Today he hit it off a pitch!
Run Kyson run!
Waiting on first base. Good thing he didn't get out, ha! There are no outs at this age. Each kid gets to hit the ball once and then they switch to outfield.
Running to second base.
Running in for the score!
Waiting for the rest of his team to bat. This is so much fun for me. I have always loved sports but I never got to do the little league thing growing up in a family of all girls. I am loving watching my little boy play ball almost as much as my Dad is watching his only grandson after five daughters and no boys!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Camree's 2 Year Pics

YEA! I am finally back into the blogging world. About 2 1/2 months ago my laptop broke and it was going to be more money to fix it than what the computer was worth. So, we finally broke down and got a new laptop. Now that I am back I have A LOT of catching up to do.
In July Camree had her two year pictures taken. I know it seems like a lot of pictures but seriously this is just a few. There were soo many cute ones. My sis in law Kristie took them for me and they turned out FABULOUS!

She got a couple of the kids together too.

I love this picture!

I had to sneak Kyson in for a couple of pictures.

I had to put this picture in because Camree was seriously being a stinker! We couldn't get her to smile and if she did it was because she was pulling a face at us. It is funny Kyson pulled this exact face at his two year photo shoot. Great 2 year old minds think alike. Thanks Kristie for taking the pictures I love, love, love them!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Short but SWEET

The end of last month Mimi was in town for a wedding. We didn't get to see her long only Sunday and Monday but we will take her whenever we can get her! Can you tell these kids love their Mimi!
On Monday we decided to have some fun before we had to take Mimi to the airport. After we picked Kyson up from school we went to lunch with Daddy at Cafe Rio and then headed over to Wheeler Farm. My kids love to feed the geese and ducks and let me tell you these geese are not shy.
Kyson couldn't resist grabbing this pig's tail. Right before he did it he looked at me and said,"Can I Mom?"

Thanks Mimi for coming and seeing us. We love you!

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now!

YEA! Camree is potty trained. I thought that she was going to be really hard but she has actually been really easy. I have been asking her for the past couple of months if she wants to go potty on the toilet and she always said NO! So about three weeks ago when Rob left out of town I said, "Do you want to learn to go potty on the toilet while Daddy is gone and then you can surprise him when he gets home with big girl panties on?" She smiled and said, "YES." So we took off the diaper and on went the big girl panties. The first day was a little rough she had 4 accidents but after that she only had 1 or 2 a day for the next couple of days. Now we have been accident free for one week and she tells me when she needs to go and I don't have to ask her anymore!
I don't know which is better seeing this bum in panties or not changing poopy diapers anymore. I think it is seeing this cute little bum in big girl panties!
Camree loves wearing big girl panties and has to pick out which one she wants to wear every day. I am so glad that I got through those two weeks of accidents to enjoy my potty trained girl!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Back to School!

On August 17th Kyson started his second year of preschool. School came way too fast this year! I definitely wasn't ready for school to start and for the schedule that comes along with it. We were in the habit of staying up late and waking up whenever we wanted. 8:30 came early that morning but Kyson was excited to start his new preschool. Do you like his man bag? This year he can't have a backpack and has to have a bag with handles. So due to my lack of wanting school to start and procrastination he didn't have a new bag yet and had to take Mom's instead. Luckily he didn't care.
Kyson's teacher this year is Miss Debbie and he seems to love her already. Katie and Caleb are in his class so that makes it fun too.
And he is off! I can't believe that he is starting his second year of preschool. Time is flying by and he is growing up so fast. Before I know it he will be starting kindergarten!
After I picked him up we went to the craft store so that he could make his very own school bag and ditch his man bag. I let him pick out everything to put on it and then it was all up to him to make it look just like he wanted. He was so proud when he was done and couldn't wait to show everyone. I could have just bought one at school for $10 rather than spend $30 but it was well worth it to see how excited and proud he was.
Look at his concentration, he was totally into it. I wouldn't let him wear a shirt because I knew it would end up with paint on it. Here's to another school year let's just hope that time will slow down!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just Me and My Biker!

A couple of weekends ago Rob and I went on a Harley ride for a date. It was so much fun. We decided to go to Mirror lake up in the Unitas. Rob and my Dad had been before but I never had so I wanted to check it out. On the way up we stopped at Dick's in Kamas. They had the yummiest hamburgers and shakes! After that we were off to Mirror lake.
Luckily my Dad has a MAJOR problem with buying Harley's. He is up to three right now, so we don't have to buy one! Mom and Dad came along as well as the Johnson's.
Mirror Lake.

The whole gang at a look out point. It was so beautiful up there!

On the way down we stopped at the Provo River Falls. That helmet does wonders for my chubby cheeks! I can thank my Dad for those bad boys too!
It was such a fun date. Thanks Dad for your obsession and for letting us borrow your bike! We have decided there have got to be a lot more Harley ride dates before the weather turns bad.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


A couple of weeks ago I decided that we needed to go to the zoo since we hadn't been for a while. I mentioned it to the kids and they were all for it! We called some friends to come along. Check out Damon's face it wouldn't be because he wanted to sit on the other horn!
It was so cute while we were there Damon was insistent on holding Camree's hand. Sooo cute. He has even told his mom that he is going to marry her. I have to keep this picture because we may be able to black mail them one day. He will be a senior when Camree is a sophomore you never know.
This little bird was so brave. It just sat there the whole time and let Kyson get so close.Then it was time for the carousel. Camree was still scared to death from Lagoon.
I had to hold her hand for a picture even though we weren't moving!
I am glad we made it to the Zoo the kids loved it and we have got to use our season pass!