The other day while Dad was doing the yard Kyson found a spider! He was so excited because it was a Daddy Long Leg and he could pick it up. He is obsessed with spiders and is even going to be one for Halloween. He saw pictures of his cousin Grace with the same spider so he wanted me to put pictures of him on the computer with his spider! If you look close you can see the spider in his fingers.

Yuck! Creeps me out just looking at it, let alone holding it. I hate spiders!
Oh my heck, he is so brave! I am deathly afraid of spiders, even daddy long legs with their creepy crawly legs. I've taught Owen to smash spiders, not pick them up.
Oh sick! That is so scary! I hate spiders. When I was at mom's Kyson had to help me kill one cause I was so afraid. He is so cute! He did so good today! He makes me laugh. I am excited for tonight...I am starting to get butterflies though. Thanks for being my model and sacrificing dinner with Holly and Michelle! Your the best! Love ya sis!
him chasing kristin around was hilarious!
oh, i need you email...again! i have that pic for you! it is so cute! mine is my name at hot mail, spell it right!
Just like his daddy!
I enlarged the first picture - now that IS CREEPY!
Ha! My kids pick those up too! Usually gracie will do it first though!
yuck yuck yuck!!!!
What a boy!
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